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Anaesthetics available to women in labour

PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea 07.07.2015 12:55
Poland has started providing women in labour with anaesthetics paid for by the National Health Fund (NFZ).
Photo: Flickr.com/ Jun AvilesPhoto: Flickr.com/ Jun Aviles

From the beginning of July, the medicines will be given to all women who ask for them, even without a doctor’s recommendation.

NFZ will pay hospital an additional PLN 400 (EUR 95) with no limits imposed, writes daily Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

As a result, for standard labour practices, hospitals receive around PLN 2200 (EUR 523), compared to the previous PLN 1800 (EUR 428). For caesarean sections, hospital still only get PLN 1800.

This is an important change, experts say. Woman know that anaesthesia is available, even if they do not make use of it, said Daria Omulecka from the Foundation "Childbirth with Dignity".

She added, that it's important that doctors and midwives are informed about the consequences of anaesthesia. (rg)

Source: Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

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