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Defence ministry to sue over 'lies' about new force

PR dla Zagranicy
Victoria Bieniek 26.07.2017 09:30
The defence ministry has said it will sue a former Polish ambassador to Washington over “lies” about Poland's newly established Territorial Defence Force.
Photo: mon.gov.plPhoto: mon.gov.pl

Former ambassador Ryszard Schnepf allegedly said the force was made up mainly of youths from extreme nationalist organisations and would control the day-to-day lives of civilians, according to the ministry.

The new force, created amid concerns over Russia’s “aggressive intentions”, will enhance and complement the regular military and teach patriotism and commitment to local communities, according to Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz.

The part-time soldiers are also expected to support local communities by reacting to emergencies such as natural disasters and accidents.

The first 400 soldiers joined the force in May. It is to be 53,000-strong by 2019 and is expected to cost PLN 3.6 billion (EUR 834 million) to set up, according to the defence ministry. (vb)

Source: PAP

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